Isolation in Vedic Astrology

With most of the world in isolation these days due to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, it would help to get a deeper perspective of how this is understood in Vedic astrology. Isolation and quarantine are matters of the twelfth house in a Vedic astrology chart.

There are a total of 12 houses in a chart and the last one is the in-between state in which one phase of life has ended but the next one hasn’t yet begun. Many schools of astrology believe that life really starts with the twelfth house (and not the first house) because the perfect example of its physical manifestation is of a foetus in the womb. The baby is not staying in the womb beyond nine months. Yet, for its development, those months in the womb are essential. This is how important the twelfth house is.

Other physical examples of twelfth house matters include hospital stays, prison time, ashram retreats and foreign vacations. Notice that there is a mix of positive and unpleasant environments where isolation happens. While these outward circumstances for isolation set the stage, it is what happens in the mind that is more important.

On the mental plane, the twelfth house would be states of deep meditation, drug-induced ecstasy (and agony), the dream state and deep sleep state. None of these states of mind can last long but intermittent prolonged exposure to them can trigger huge transformation. In a sense, they take us back to the void and that super-conscious state from which we first entered this third-dimensional world as a foetus.

Traditionally, the twelfth house is seen as a house of loss, where energy and resources are drained. This has caused it to earn a bad reputation with astrologers even calling it the ‘bad’ house. But this is a limited understanding of the house. For anyone looking to live in alignment with their ‘soul contract’ or life purpose, as we commonly understand it, it is essential to have a strong twelfth house in the chart. It is the house of spiritual liberation, where we live out our soul destiny.

Those with strong planets in the twelfth house would be typically managing this isolation situation much better than those with a weak twelfth house. A strong twelfth house would entail that the ruling planet of that house is comfortably placed. It would also need that planets present in the twelfth house be a natural friend to the house owner, be strong, and have friendly aspects.

In terms of planetary energy, Saturn is the one that typically brings forth isolation. It is quite common for those going through the Saturn phase in their respective charts to see friends, social connections and emotional links drifting away. This is designed energetically so that we are forced to withdraw inward for some deep introspection and rumination. Saturn frees us up from distractions and social engagements that we often confuse with our life goals. The saturnine energy is teaching us how to be alone, how to face our shadows and how to make friends with ourselves.

In so many ways, this period of enforced isolation has led to this stripping away of excesses, making us look in the mirror to meet ourselves. Do we like what we see? Mental health professionals are anticipating a surge in cases of depression and anxiety as fallout of this isolation. This, too, is a way in which we look inward and heal that which is broken.

To know what your twelfth house looks like in your chart, and how best to manage your time in isolation, write to me on

Isolation in Vedic Astrology

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