Get Real: This week will strip away the false hopes

Dealing with self doubt

As Jupiter gains more strength in Capricorn, you will be faced with questions about your very core belief systems. You will end up asking yourself if all that you believed was indeed true. Are friendships supposed to be this way? Are relationships only fleeting? Can I not invest my emotions in a relationship without the fear of it hurting me? These are all questions that will come to the front and centre. Take your time to process the doubts. And do not be afraid to alter your way of thinking, if the situation demands.

Hope takes a beating

The week could bring up many issues about how your life has turned out. There could be gaps in the places where you look for hope and inspiration. You may have to dig deeper into your well of hope to keep motivated in these testing times. The best way to deal with this situation is to rely on your past successes. Think about all your achievements and all the times when you had lost confidence but still ended up winning because of your strength. This is one of those times when you need to repeat that kind of success. Don’t lose hope.

Lead the way

It’s a great week for leaders, especially thought leaders, who can show the way on how to adapt to a rapidly changing world around us. As the Sun gains strength in Aries, it is time to think about our strengths and where to focus our energies. Play on your strengths and let the creative energy lead you.


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