An eventful week eclipsed by intensity

The week starts with five planets all huddled together in the sign of Scorpio. The Solar Eclipse coincides with the New Moon in Scorpio, bringing an intense time in which many secrets will be revealed. Go slow and be careful about your reactions to people and situations. Those with Scorpio, Taurus and Sagittarius ascendant should be extra careful.

Most of the secrets that are revealed may not be dramatic but rather life-altering realizations that hit you when you reflect in solitude.

What an unusual year this has been. Spend the last two weeks of the year to spend more time alone and allow intuition to flow through you. Your year-end reflection may not necessarily be about setting goals for the year to come. It should also be about identifying and acknowledging all that you went through in the year.

You can expect an almost dramatic lifting of the heaviness that you experienced earlier in the week by the 16th when both the Sun and Mercury leave Scorpio, reducing the intensity of the eclipse season. The mantra to manage this week should be: Observe more, react less.


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